The White Horse Inn

In 2012, The San Fernando Valley Relics Museum was able to carefully take down and save a popular local restaurant sign called The White Horse Inn. Along with the door and a Coppola that sat on top of the restaurant. What would seem like items that would have been forever buried and lost in the
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Valley Relics History: The Four Jokers

It’s been a long time since I contributed an article to the Valley Relics Museum blog, but I’m excited to return! In 2015, I began archiving the museum’s collection of vintage postcards. Cheerful and often colorful, these cards have survived, saved in scrapbooks and collections, even long after the Valley motels, businesses and attractions they
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Making Movies that Matter

Valley Relics Museum is proud to announce that we will be partners in the 1st annual Making Movies that Matter, a youth short film festival which connects mentors and students from Elementary to College within the San Fernando Valley. We are honored to be collaborating with Mitchell Englander, the Community Arts Partnership (Cal-Arts), the Department of Cultural Affairs,
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Porter Ranch Dilemma

News has recently traveled fast about an issue in San Fernando Valley being called "a disaster of BP oil spill proportions." If you haven't heard of the Porter Ranch gas leak, you either don't live in the area or are still waiting in line to see Star Wars. The leak was first noticed back in
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